Join us for an evening of stories, food and cheer!

We’ll be welcoming storytellers Stephen Hobbs and Mark Steinhardt to Swindon, they’ll be telling two big stories and we’ll be feasting on some warming home-cooked food between their performances. Ticket includes storytelling show with 1 course of food. There will be a bar with a range of refreshments and sweet treats available to purchase.
Christ Church Community Centre, Cricklade St, Old Town, Swindon (Main hall)
24th February 2024. Doors open 6pm. Tickets will not be available on the door.
Meal choices: Beef chilli with rice or a Lentil, Chickpea and Vegetable Stew. See allergen information [here].
Stephen Hobbs
Thesiad – a retelling of the Theseus myth
Sing to me Muse, of Theseus King of the Athenians. A man of two fathers who must find his own path to a troubled destiny. A Superhero with Greek Expectations? Journey with him across the wine-dark sea where there is a shameful secret in the House of Minos: King Minos to you. A story of men and women, and gods and goats. A retelling for adults – centaurs not admitted. Warning: this tale includes excessive drinking, smoking, people being beastly to one another, inter-species liaisons, outrageous anachronisms, and moments of tenderness.
Stephen discovered storytelling in retirement after hearing “Aunt Misery” told by Red Phoenix (Dr Terrie Howey-Moore) in a Stony Stratford pub. So he joined her storytelling workshops (aka Dr Howey’s Academy for Wondrous & Efficacious Storytelling) for a year and stayed for three years. Now he is telling stories in pubs.
Mark Steinhardt
The One That Got Away
Listen, listen, while I tell you my story, my story of a storyteller telling the story of a story he told at the beginning of the telling of stories. What was the first story? Mark Steinhardt wasn’t there, but he’s pretty sure he knows what it was. Like all the best stories, it grows in the telling….
Mark has been telling stories semi-professionally for fifteen years. He has told in Ely and Peterborough cathedral, he has told to 10 and 200, for WI’s and literary festivals. He can tell a quick yarn, but he’s happiest expanding a tale, developing the characters, so that you care about their fate.
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